The Virginia Orthodontic Education and Research Foundation
The Virginia Orthodontic Education and Research Foundation Endowment was established to provide a major source of financial support for orthodontics. These funds shall be used by the Department of Orthodontics at VCU to enhance and improve the advanced program in orthodontics in such ways as are determined by the Department.
The Board of Directors of the Foundation has pledged its support of this Endowment. It is a way for alumni and members to show their appreciation to the Department for providing them with the educational qualifications they need to practice orthodontics in the community. The fund also is necessary to ensure that the Department can manage potential future financial crises and to enhance the academic content of the program at a time when public support is minimal.
Orthodontic programs around the country are suffering from a shortage of full-time faculty members and there is a lack of adequate funding to remedy this deficiency. Your support of the Endowment is needed to ensure the continued success of the orthodontic program at the VCU School of Dentistry.
For more information, or to make a donation or pledge, please complete and return this pledge card, click the "Donate" button below, or contact:
The Virginia Orthodontic Foundation Endowment
c/o Dr. Putt Browning
604 Junction Creek Drive
Wilmington, NC 28412
Phone: (910) 793-2520